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The «Free time» magazine attended a première of the musical «The Picture of Dorian Gray»

On the weekend the musical «The Picture of Dorian Gray» was shown at the Music Hall Theatre for the first time. The play based on Oscar Wilde’s work is destined to become a hit of this season. Today I will tell you why. 
After attending the premier of the musical, I can confidently invite you to go get the tickets. The story about Dorian Gray is told brightly, emotionally, and originally. It is a nice thing that this musical was created by a Russian team: director Natalia Indeykina, composer Vladimir Baskin, costume designers Alina German and Tatiana Kudryavtseva and video content director Vadim Dulenko.

The musical brilliantly shows the feelings of the main characters, as well as the tiniest changes in their behavior. It’s not only the merit of the actors, but of modern technologies as well. Thanks to the video installation, the audience could watch the transformation of the portrait and the setting. I was very impressed with the scene where Dorian Grey leaves Sibyl Vane. I’ve never seen such an organic combination of a video sequence and the actions on the stages. The finale also evokes strong emotions.

The musical is created in the horror genre, so you will get a chance to get your nerves tickled. Unique sets, daring costumes, disturbing music will help you really feel the atmosphere of this work. You will have things to discuss and things to think about.  
Source: «Free time» magazine

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