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Concert passion according to Shakespeare takes place at State Academic Capella

The theatre’s symphony orchestra Northern Sinfonia conducted by the maestro Fabio Mastrangelo gave the concert Passion According to Shakespeare on 6 April at the State Academic Capella.
The program included music works based on the plots of the great English classic, including  A Midsummer Night's Dream suite by Mendelssohn, Romeo and Juliet Overture-Fantasy by Tchaikovsky and excerpts from the operas Otello and Macbeth by Verdi, I Capuleti e i Montecchi by Bellini and Roméo et Juliette by Gounod.
The concert featured choir and soloists of the theatre such as Nazia Amineva, Anna Vikulina, Lyudmila Fedorova, Elizaveta Mikhailova, Pavel Shnipov and Dmitry Grigoryev-Kan, Choirmaster — Lev Dunaev, musical preparation — Irina Teplyakova.
William Shakespeare is one of the most famous and greatest writers. His oeuvre has been translated into almost all world languages and is constantly studied, and Shakespeare’s plays are staged more frequently than works of any other playwright.

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