Купить билеты можно в кассе театра «Мюзик-Холл», а также в театральных кассах города.
Address of the Theatre

197198, St. Petersburg, Alexandrovsky Park, 4, liter M Music Hall Theatre

Director's and Artistic Director's front office

Assistant Director

Tamara Akulinicheva 

Administrative Assistant

Dilya Bagavieva 

(812) 232-61-65,
(812) 232-53-29 (fax)


Box office of the theatre

(812) 232-92-01

Working hours 11:00 - 15:00, 16:00 - 19:00


Head of the department

Irina Dvornikova

(812) 233-09-24

Advertising and  public relations department

Elena Kirillova

(812) 232-31-87

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