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«St. Petersburg Journal» newspaper: Conductor Fabio Mastrangelo has cast vote on the voting station near the Music Hall Theatre

Well-known conductor Fabio Mastrangelo voted for the president of Russia not at the place of residence (he resides on Vasilievsky island), but closer to his work location – Music Hall Theatre, where he serves as an Artistic Director.

Fabio Mastrangelo noted that he had had no difficulties obtaining Absentee Voting Certificate.

"It was purely technical action. I went to my election committee, submitted my passport and in few minutes received my Absentee Voting Certificate', - he told.

According to Fabio Mastrangelo it is the second time he elects the Russian president, as he has been the RF citizen for 8 years. 

"So I am an experienced Russian citizen" - he joked.

When the St. PJ journalist asked who he voted for, famous conductor answered:

"Today I vote for the better future. Though political situation now is not very good, as Russian citizen born in Europe (the musician`s birthplace is Italy - ed.), I can evaluate the facts in a different way. And I see a full absence of objectivity, especially in the recent case with England. I am surprised at how they can accuse Russia having no evidences and facts. It is clear that all of this was invented and done specially before our elections. I think we also will have troubles before the FIFA World Cup. I guess Russia is so powerful country, that many people are just jealous of it" - he set out an opinion.

Regarding organization of elections Fabio Mastrangelo noticed that everything was prepared at a good level and there were no problems.

 "I hope a fair amount of people will attend presidential election and do their civil duty. Every citizen of the country should be concerned about it. Future of Russia is in our hands. Every vote is very important", - he stated.

Also, the conductor mentioned that he has voted in Italy more than once so he can compare organization of elections there and in Russia.

“The Italians are real experts in preparing elections, as they have elections not less than half-yearly. And situation there is much worse, than in Russia. I can judge. We have everything clear and well-organized so life in Russia is much more functional, than in Italy", he concluded.

Having put his ballot paper into ballot box, Fabio Mastrangelo went to rehearsal of his The Saint-Petersburg Northern Synfonia Orchestra at the Music Hall Theatre.

Source: «St. Petersburg Journal» newspaper
Text by Marina Alexeeva
Photos by Darya Ivanova

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